PBSC’s Ultrasonic Fogging Shower (also known as a mist shower) provides encapsulation or removal of powder from an operative’s suit.
PBSC’s Ultrasonic Fogging Shower (also known as a mist shower) provides encapsulation or removal of powder from an operative’s suit.
PBSC’s Ultrasonic Fogging Shower (also known as a mist shower) provides encapsulation or removal of powder from an operative’s suit and has been assessed by SafeBridge Consultants Inc.
The PBSC fogging shower cycle uses 5 to 10-micron water droplets to encapsulate API particles with minimal wetting through the operator’s PPE suit. Reductions in surface concentrations can be up to 800 times less than the starting contamination levels. Airborne particles around the operative and during de-gowning are also significantly reduced.
The decontamination fogging shower is supplied with a factory-tested PLC, controls and utility control panel. The control cabinets can be located above or next to the shower with a prewired cable for easy site electrical installation. All the parts on the shower are supplied on plugs to make replacement of spare parts quick and easy so in the unlikely event of component failure downtime is minimized.
The system is available with a range of PLCs, with standard options of a Siemens LOGO PLC (with the option of a remote ‘TDE’ PLC screen if required) or a Rockwell (Allen-Bradley) MLX1100 PLC with PanelView 800 HMI 4” colour touchscreen.
PLC comes with a touch screen in the shower (or on the PLC cabinet) to show the shower status, alarms can be seen and cleared from the screen and the screen allows various cycle recipes to be stored and accessed by the Supervisor Level password.